Project Nursery Part 1

Project nursery is under way in the Reichert house. We have three guest bedrooms and picking out which room would be the nursery was hard! I finally decided on which room we would use and got to work!




 I LOVE the board and batten look in this nursery that I found on pinterest.

My hubby was a little worried at first because he had never heard of board and batten, but after a quick pep talk from my brother who is in construction he was ready to go.

 First stop was Lowes to buy the materials. We bought everything we needed for under $100!!! SCORE!

 Next it was time to measure, cut,  hang and paint. I had to stay out of the room because I was voicing my opinion too much that day! These pregnancy hormones make me crazy sometimes!


Sorry the image quality is not great! All of these photos were taken with my iphone.

Stay tunned…more to come!





MIA part 2

Hey guys its me again, and I need to apologize again! I have been MIA but for many good reasons. More on that in later posts.

About a month ago I bought new pillows for our master bedroom. I noticed that our bedside lamps which were a sliver color, needed some sprucing up so I went to my handy can of spray paint and got to work.

Much much better!!!!

My hubby always makes fun of me and says every weekend I have off from a wedding is another weekend for a new home project. YEP!!!! Last weekend I put him to work in one of our guest bedrooms. I found a photo on pinterest of board and batten and I fell in LOVE!!!! I decided that we needed to hang board in batten in our neglected guest bedroom so we got to work!!!! Stay tuned for our progress and photos.

Taking the day off

Today I decided to take the day off from work and do some much needed spring summer cleaning. I started with laundry, then I vacuumed, mopped, more laundry, swept and then ate lunch. It’s amazing how cleaning can make you exhausted!

I did have to run into the office really fast to fill some print orders, and then I swung by the grocery store.

When I got home I got the itch to declutter!!! I started to feel overwhelmed every time I opened one of the closets in the guest bedrooms. So, I decluttered and took a car load to the Goodwill. My hubby always says I buy WAY to many pillows. What can I say, I am pillow obsessed! I just love mixing and matching pillows, and when I find a new one, I trade it out for the old. I dropped off 8 pillows to the Goodwill. Someone is going to be very happy!

After Goodwill, I couldn’t help but to swing by my absolute favorite store TJ Maxx to see if there was anything I just had to have! Well, there was of course!

I bought two of these beauties….ahhh my hubby is going to kill me.

I am in the process of making over our master bedroom, and these two pillows gave our bed the pop of color that it was missing.

Oh and a few weeks ago I nabbed these gorgeous rugs from Target…my second favorite store! 

Sorry for the blurry image! Shame on me for not using my professional camera…I was using my cheap point and shoot because its easier to upload to my laptop.  

I have been slowly giving our home a makeover. Our home use to be reds, greens, and browns. I am now going for a more neutral look with khaki’s, browns, and blues.

Next I painted the bead board that B hung yesterday! It looks fabulous! I am so happy with the way this project turned out! You can see the before photos here.

Here she is all painted and looking fab!!!



After I finish this post I plan on spray painting the base’s of the lamps in our master bedroom. Right now they are silver, but I think I will spray paint them white….photos to come!




my new love…spray paint

Okay so I will admit…this morning when I said today was going to be a home project day, I didn’t think we were going to be so productive. Sunday’s are always our project days at the Reichert home. To be honest it’s really our only day to do home projects. Saturdays are wedding days for me, and B usually is at his second home Next Level Baseball. But, today was a big day.

We started by heading to the Home Depot where we purchased bead board, trim, grout, and spray paint. Wow, I can’t believe I have never really painted with spray paint. I am forever in love with spray paint now!

Once we unloaded my car, we both got to work. B worked on our guest bathroom hanging the bead board.

Here are the before photos. (Don’t  you LOVE my shower curtain?) TJ Maxx of course $14.99.

 Please ignore the mess, work was in progress!

 As B worked on the bathroom, I decided to paint a few pieces of kid furniture to use in my photo shoots. I have always wanted to give this high chair a distressed look.

Here it is before.

I decided that she needed to be a minty blue. I went withValspar Bay Mint (sample paint it costs less than $3.00)! Score!


I am so happy with the way it turned out.

 Here is my next project. Isn’t she a beauty! She just needs a little TLC.



Home Makeover

Lately B and I have been doing a lot of home improvement projects. A few months ago we screened in our back porch, tiled the backsplash in our kitchen, and this weekend we are hanging bead board in our guest bathroom. (photos to come).

As if I don’t have enough on my plate, I decide to take up refinishing furniture as well. I actually really love doing this.

I wish I would have taken the before photos of this beauty. She had an oak finish but was screaming to be a distressed antique white. She is for sale if anyone is interested. You can contact me at or